

スタアリィアイ Starry eye

The Start to Eternal Beauty.
Starry Eye cosmetics from Ashiya have both anti-aging and reverse-aging properties. Our products are based on a naturally derived viscous “gel” that reduces the need for synthetic surfactants and mineral oils.


スタアリィアイ化粧品 3つの柱 Three Pillars of Starry Eye Cosmetics



Gel refers to a jelly-like substance that is found in natural plants and biological materials. Starry Eye’s cosmetics are based on this gel, and contain no fragrances, coloring or mineral oils. This gel allows your skin to breathe, and brings out a transparency and youthfulness.

ルイボスエキスRooibos extract


The locals have long loved Rooibos, which is found only in select sections of the Cederberg Mountains in South Africa, as “a Long-Life Tea”. Rooibos extract is known for its beautifying effect. It helps prevents sunspots and freckles, and gives your skin a dewy glow.

ダイヤの雫Drop of diamonds


Our products use high-quality natural water from Japan’s South Alps.


クイーンズウェイ Queens Way

“Queens Way”. As the name suggests, this tea was created to promise a truly beautiful and pleasant time to whoever is enjoying a
cup of tea. We have prepared a variety of “tea times” to give you an unforgettable experience like non-other before. Enjoy a
wonderful teatime with our Queens Way teas that promise a truly wonderful experience.


オーガニックファイブ・スター ルイボス

オーガニックファイブ・スター ルイボス Organic Five Star Rooibos

Caffeine-free Rooibos tea (organic JAS) from South Africa is a legend that has been passed down over the generations. Rooibos is a very
rare plant that is found only in select sections of the Cederberg Mountains in South Africa. We use only high quality classic grade organic
tea leaves, grown under strict management. The caffeine-free tea contains no additives, preservatives, or colorings. Rooibos tea contains
minerals that are essential to our health. We use carefully selected five star excellent quality leaves. To avoid quality degradation from
excessive stock, fresh high grade tea leaves are purchased at a suitable timing directly from the producers in South Africa. Organic JAS